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I'm Jen, nice to meet you!

Purpose Word: Liberator
Personal Mission Statement: 
To use my personal refinement experiences by liberating women so that they can achieve their fullest potential, find balance, and grow in their self-awareness. 

Do you have a personal mission statement?

Follow the template on page 36 in the book to create yours!

I love helping New Mothers

I am passionate about helping mothers—especially those who are new or have young children—reclaim their dreams while navigating the beautiful chaos of motherhood. So many women feel like they need to wait until their children are older or in school to pursue their own passions, but this mindset needs to change.

Your identity doesn’t have to be put on hold when you become a mother—it’s meant to evolve and grow alongside you. Mothers are constantly told, “You only have 18 years with your children, don’t waste it!” This message perpetuates the idea that nurturing your own dreams somehow takes away from your children, but that doesn’t have to be true.You can nurture yourself as you nurture your children, allowing your passions to grow in harmony with your family life.

It’s all too common for women to put their dreams on the backburner or feel like they’ve lost themselves in the process of motherhood. But your identity is fluid, and it deserves to be tended to in every season of life. You don’t have to choose between being a good mother and pursuing your passions—you can have both.

Let’s rewrite the narrative and create a space where you thrive as both a mother and a multi-dimensional woman, chasing your dreams while raising your family.

"I LOVE being a mother. Not all mothers do. Loving motherhood did not come naturally to Jen, the author of Let Yourself Bloom.

That’s okay.

Something that becomes clear when reading, Let Yourself Bloom, is that no one’s garden will look the same and that that’s not the purpose of our lives anyway. We are meant to discover and nurture the desires that are planted within our hearts.

We each grow in our own ways, interests, values, and experiences…and that’s what makes us ready to bloom into our unique full blown experience of life and purpose. It is when we embrace ALL of who we are that we begin to fully live and love in life.

Motherhood is ONE of the blooms in our garden. When we discover our values, take care of ourselves, change our mindsets, and learn how to become all that we are capable of being in our own way we bloom.
Jen’s beautiful book teaches golden nuggets of life-changing wisdom. She has strategically included hands-on, applicable, and instant action-steps for any woman to use to discover the many facets of her identity starting now.

What I loved most about Jen’s book was seeing a woman and mother, just like me, living her dreams ruthlessly, AND loving her family. It can be done! Jen shows you how.

It blesses everyone when we mothers shine in who we are throughout motherhood and forever. Let’s remember who we are together! Thank you Jen for inspiring and empowering me through your beautiful, authentic, and powerful message within your book that you live everyday. I am so grateful to be a mother AND the rest of me."

~Rachel T.